+ Traditional Art +

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Drawn in dip pen and ink

His wife was bitten by a creature in her sleep a few years ago, and to his complete relief, she survived the injury. That said, at first he was terrified he would lose her. She was already frail, but now she was terrified of sunlight and violently craving human blood. Confused and scared, but willing to do anything to save her, he finally yielded to her cravings, as she was refusing all food and it seemed like she was getting sicker by the day. Now she’s still sick with this unnatural disease, but as long as she bites him when she’s at her worst and consumes his blood, she survives. Though disturbingly, she doesn’t seem to age at all.


A character from my Dnd campaign that my friend runs!


Drawn in dip pen, toned digitally


Dip pen, coloured digitally




Ink and maru pen, coloured digitally




Mana Sama (Oil on wood board, miniature)


Vergil (Oil on wood board, miniature)


I have a fascination with mushrooms, I'm sure you can tell... (Watercolour & ink)



My DnD character, Hedy (watercolour & ink)


Watercolour & ink


Claudia from the Vampire Chronicles <3


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